Committee on Ethics and Law
The committee on Ethics and Law succeeds the standing committee on Health Ethics and Health Law, which was discharged in 2015. It issues both solicited and unsolicited advisory reports on topics and developments in the field of health ethics and health law. In addition, and where necessary, it supports other Health Council committees when important ethical or legal problems arise. A number of committee members represent the Health Council in the Centre for Ethics and Health (Centrum voor Ethiek en Gezondheid), a joint venture of the Health Council of the Netherlands and the Council of Public Health & Society (Raad voor Volksgezondheid & Samenleving).
The membership of the committee may differ from one advice to another. Because a permanent committee addresses more than one topic, potential conflicts of interests of committee members will be re-evaluated at the start of each advisory process. The composition of the committee by advice can be found on the last page of the advisory report.
- Dr G.J.M.W. van Thiel, assistent professor medical ethics, UMC Utrecht, chair
- A.C. de Die LLM, lawyer, Verlink & De Die Lawyers, Amsterdam, vice chair
- Prof. T.A. Boer, professor by special appointment at the Lindeboom Chair in Healthcare Ethics, Theologic University Kampen
- Dr E.M. Bunnik, associate professor, Department of Medical Ethics, Philosophy and History of Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
- Prof. E. Kingma, Peter Sowerby Professor in Philosophy and Medicine, King's College London, UK
- Prof. C. Leget, professor of care ethics; extraordinary professor of the ethics of palliative care, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht
- Prof. M.C. Ploem, professor by special appointment of law, healthcare technology and medicine, and assistant professor of health law, Amsterdam UMC
- J.J. Rijken LLM, lawyer, AKD lawyers & sollicitors, Amsterdam
- Prof. M.P. Sombroek-van Doorm LLM, Professor of Law and Health, University of Leiden
- Prof. B.C.A. Toebes, professor of Health Law in an International Perspective, University of Groningen
- Prof. A.A.E. Verhagen, pediatrician, head of the department of Pediatrics, UMC Groningen and professor of general pediatrics, in particular palliative care for children, University of Groningen
- Prof. M.C. de Vries, professor of Normative aspects of medicine, LUMC, Leiden
- L.F. Stultiëns LLM, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, The Hague
Scientific Secretaries:
- Dr S. Kalkman, Health Council, The Hague
- D.N. Leunisse LLM, Health Council, The Hague