Subcommittee on Employee Vaccination

In 2014, the Health Council of the Netherlands published the advisory report Employees and infectious diseases - Criteria for vaccination. In this report, the Health Council established two separate decision frameworks: one for determining whether employee vaccination should be considered to protect employees themselves (at-risk employees), and the other for determining whether employee vaccination should be considered to protect vulnerable third parties (employees as sources of risk).

Following the reports of the permanent committee on Vaccinations, and by request of the Minister for Social Affairs and Employment, the Health Council will also publish reports on employee vaccination.

The membership of the committee may differ from one advice to another. Because a permanent committee addresses more than one topic, potential conflicts of interests of committee members will be re-evaluated at the start of each advisory process. The composition of the committee by advice can be found on the last page of the advisory report.


  • Prof. W.J.H.M. van den Bosch, emeritus Professor of General Practice, Radboudumc Nijmegen, chair
  • Dr. N.G. Hartwig, Paediatrician-Infectiologist, Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Rotterdam
  • Prof. C.J.P.A. Hoebe, Professor of Social Medicine and Infectious Disease Control, Maastricht UMC+, GGD Zuid Limburg
  • Dr. J.A.R. van den Hoek, Travel Health doctor and Infectious Diseases doctor, Amsterdam
  • Dr. R. Houba, Occupational Hygienist, The Netherlands Expertise Centre for Occupational Respiratory Disorders, Utrecht
  • Dr. J.J. Maas, Occupational Medicine specialist and Travel Health doctor, occupational health and safety service, and Coronel Institute of Occupational Health, Amsterdam
  • Dr. G.B.G.J. van Rooy, Occupational medicine specialist, Arbo Unie Expert Centre for Chemical Risk Management and Radboudumc Outpatient Clinic for Occupational Clinical Toxicology, Nijmegen
  • Prof. T. Smid, emeritus Professor of Working Conditions, Amsterdam UMC
  • Prof. A. Timen, Professor of Primary Care, and head of the departement of Primary and Community Care, Radboudumc, Nijmegen; structurally consulted expert


  • I.S. van der Graaf, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, The Hague
  • T.E. Nutma MSc, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven

Scientific Secretaries:

  • Dr. K. Groeneveld, Health Council, The Hague
  • Dr. R.H. Mennen, Health Council, The Hague