Executive director
Dr Ingeborg de Wolf has served as general secretary and executive director of the Health Council of the Netherlands since 1 June 2022.
Born in 1973, Ingeborg studied business administration at Nyenrode Business Universiteit and Environmental Health Science at Maastricht University before obtaining her PhD at the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University. Prior to her appointment at the Health Council, she headed up the department of Livestock & Environment at Wageningen Livestock Research (part of Wageningen University & Research). Earlier positions include those of secretary to the Council on Animal Affairs and Managing Director of the National Information Centre for Companion Animals.
Additional activities
In addition to her position of executive director of the Health Council of the Netherlands, Ingeborg is regularly invited as a speaker to conferences in the Netherlands and abroad to share her knowledge and experience with respect to matters such as One Health and sustainable agro-food systems. She does so in a private capacity and receives no remuneration for this.