Standing committee

Advisory reports are usually prepared in a multidisciplinary committee and only become final after they have been reviewed in the standing committee.

The standing committee carefully assesses the main points of draft advisory reports for consistency with other advisory reports, robust evidence and compatibility with relevant developments in the field. It also discusses what is necessary for a successful follow-up of advisory reports. Once reviewed, the advisory report is presented to one or more ministers along with a letter of presentation by the President or Vice President of the Health Council.

The committee


  • Prof. J.G. Nijhuis, Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Chief of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Maastricht UMC, chair
  • Dr S. van de Vathorst, Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, vice chair
  • Dr E.M.M. Adang, Associate Professor in Health Economics, Radboudumc, Nijmegen
  • Prof. A.J. van der Beek, Professor of Occupational Epidemiology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and head of the Department of Public & Occupational Health, Amsterdam UMC
  • Prof. B.C. van Beers, Professor of Law, Ethics and Biotechnology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Prof. M.C. Cornel, Professor Community Genetics & Public Health Genomics, Amsterdam UMC
  • Prof. H.F.L. Garretsen, Professor of Healthcare Policy, Tilburg University
  • Prof. R.C. Hennekam, Professor of Paediatrics and Translational Medicine, Amsterdam UMC
  • Prof. E. Kampman, Professor of Nutrition and disease, Wageningen University and Research Centre
  • Prof. F.J. van Lenthe, Professor of Social Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
  • Prof. M.E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh, Emeritus Professor of Health inequalities and Person-centred Primary care, Department of Primary care medicine, Radboudumc, Nijmegen
  • Prof. J. Oosterlaan, Professor and Director of Aftercare and follow-up programme Woman-Child Centre, Emma Kinderziekenhuis Amsterdam UMC; Professor of Paediatric Neuropsychology, Amsterdam UMC
  • Prof. K. Postema, Professor of Rehabilitation medicine, UMC Groningen
  • Prof. S. Roeser, Professor of Ethics, TU Delft
  • Prof. D. Ruwaard, Professor of Healthcare and Public health, Universiteit Maastricht
  • Prof. J.M.G.A. Schols, Professor of Geriatrics, Maastricht University
  • Prof. L. Schoonhoven, Professor of Nursing Science, UMC Utrecht 
  • Prof. J.G. Sijmons LLM, Professor of Health law, Universiteit Utrecht
  • Prof. C.A. Uyl-de Groot, hoogleraar health technology assessment, Erasmus MC Rotterdam
  • Prof. Th.J.M. Verheij, Professor of Family medicine, UMC Utrecht
  • Prof. C. Wagner, Professor of Patient safety, NIVEL Utrecht
  • Prof. A.P. van Wezel, Professor of Environmental ecology and Scientific Director IBED (Instituut voor Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteemdynamiek), University of Amsterdam
  • Prof. H. Wertheim, Professor of Clinical microbiology, Radboudumc, Nijmegen

Scientific secretaries:

  • Mr D.N. Leunisse, Health Council, The Hague
  • Dr D. Levie, Health Council, The Hague
  • Dr K.G. van der Mark-Reeuwijk, Health Council, The Hague