The Health Council of the Netherlands consists of 110 members, all from scientific or healthcare circles. A good balance between the various disciplines is required at the composition of the council. The members are appointed by Royal decree.
- Prof. K. Stronks, public and occupational health, president of the Health Council of the Netherlands
- Prof. J.M. Geleijnse, epidemiology, vice president of the Health Council of the Netherlands
Honorary members
- Prof. I.D. de Beaufort
- Prof. B. Brunekreef
- Prof. W.A. van Gool
- Prof. J.G.A.J. Hautvast
- Prof. J.A. Knottnerus
- Prof. D. Kromhout
- Prof. G.J. Mulder
- Prof. E.J. Ruitenberg
- Prof. M. Schermer
- Prof. J.J. Sixma
- Dr E.E.M. Adang, Health Economy
- Prof. L.A. Afman, Nutrition Metabolism and Genomics
- Prof. A.J. van der Beek, Epidemiologist
- M.W.H. van Beek, Clinical geriatrics
Prof. B.C. van Beers, legal expert, ethics and biotechnology
- Dr K.A.C. Berk, Dietitian
- Prof. J. Berkhof, Epidemiology and biostatistics
- Prof. J.W.J. Beulens, Epidemiology of lifestyle and cardiometabolic diseases
- Prof. E.E. Blaak, Human Physiology
- Prof. T.A. Boer, Ethics
- Prof. H. Boersma, Clinical epidemiology of cardiovascular disease
- Prof. J.G. van der Bom, Epidemiologist
- Prof. H. Bouwmeester, Toxicologist
- Prof. M.J.M. Broeders, Oncologist
- Prof. I.A. Brouwer, Nutritional sciences
- Dr E.M. Bunnik, Ethicist
- Prof. S. le Cessie, Statistics, especially Statistical Methodos of Observational Epidemiological Research
- Prof. M.C. Cornel, Medicine, Epidemiology
- Prof. R. Crutzen, Behavioural change and Technology
- Prof. O.M. Dekkers, Epiodemilogy, Endocrinology
- Prof. W.J. Dondorp, Medical Ethics
- Dr.G.A. Donker, Medicine, Epidemiology
- Prof. M.B.M. van Duursen, Toxicologist
- Dr Y. Drewes, Health Law
- Dr P.J.M. Elders, Family medicine and elderly care
- Prof. J.W. Erisman, Biology
- Prof. H.F.L. Garretsen, Public Health, Health Care Policy
- Prof. S.A. Geerlings, Internal medicine
- Dr R.W.L. Godschalk, Genetic toxicology and Molecular epidemiology
- Prof. J.B. van Goudoever, Neonatology
- Dr R. van der Graaf, Medical Ethics
- Prof. L. van de Grift, International history in relation to the environment
- Prof. J. Groeneweg, Safety, Risk Management
- Prof. R.H.H. Groenewold, Clinical epidemiology
- W.M.L.G. Gubbels-van Hal, chemical hazard assessment
- Dr N.G. Hartwig, Paediatric Infectious Diseases
- Dr P.J van den Hazel, Environmental Medicine, Epidemiology, Risk Assessment
- Prof. R.C.M. Hennekam, Paediatrics
- Prof. L. Henneman, Human genetics
- Prof. C.J.P.A. Hoebe, Infectious Diseases Control
- Dr J.A.R. van den Hoek, Infectious Diseases Control, Epidemiology
- Prof. M.A.J. Huijbregts, Integrated Environmental Assessment
- Dr A. Huss, Environmental Epidemiology
Prof. S.M. Imhof, Ophtalmology
- Prof. E. Kampman, Nutrition, Epidemiology
- Prof. E. Kingma, Philosopher
- Prof. M.P.G. Koopmans, Viroscience
- E.J. Kranendonk LLM, lawyer
- Prof. I.A. Kreis, Epidemiologist
- Dr E.D. Kroese, Toxicologist
- Dr A. Krom, PhD, Ethics
- Prof. I.M. van Langen, Clinical Genetics
- Dr J.A.E. Langius, Dietitian
- Prof. I. Lansdorp-Vogelaar, Population screening
- Prof. E. Lebret, Integrated riskassessment
- Prof. M. Leeflang, Clinical epidemiology
- Prof. H. van Lente, Science and Technology Studies
- Prof. F.J. van Lenthe, Epidemiologist
- K.D. Lichtenbelt, PhD, Clinical genetics
- C.R. Lincke, PhD, Pediatrician
- Prof. S.C. Linn, Internist-Oncologist
- Prof. R.C. van der Mast, Medicine
- Dr A.L. Menke, Toxicological Pathologist
- Dr R.M.C. Mestrom, University professor Technical University
- Prof. M.E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh, Practitioner
- Prof. J. van der Naalt, Neurologist
- Prof. J.G. Nijhuis, Medicine
- Prof. J. Oosterlaan, Paediatrics
- Dr S. Peters, epidemiologist
- Prof. J. Plat, Nutritionist
- Prof. K. Postema, Prosthesis and Orthesis Use
- Prof. J.M. Prins, internal medicine
- J.J. Rijken, LLM, Health law
- Prof. S. Roeser, Ethics
- Dr. M. Rooseboom, Toxicologist
- Prof. G.B.G.J. van Rooy, Occupational physician/clinical occupational medicine and toxicologist
- Prof. D. Ruwaard, Society and Health, Epidemiology
- Prof. M.J. Schalij, Cardiology
- Prof. M.F. Schim van der Loeff, Epidemiologist
- Dr S. Schoenmakers, Gyneacologist-perinatologist, Clinical pharmacologist
- Prof. J.M.G.A. Schols, Geriatrics
- Prof. L. Schoonhoven, Nursing science
- Prof. J.G. Sijmons, LLM, Health Law, Administrative and Civil Law
- Dr J.P. van der Sluijs, Environmental and Natural Sciences
- Prof. L.A. Smit, Environmental epidemiology
- Prof. M.P. Sombroek, Law and Health
- Prof. C.D.A. Stehouwer, Internal medicine
- Dr R.T. van Strien, Environmental Epidemiology
- Dr G.J.M.W. van Thiel, Medical Ethics
- Prof. A. Timen, Primary health care
- Prof. B.C.A. Toebes, International law, health law, human rights
- Dr J.J. van Tol-Geerdink, Medical biology
- Prof. J.W.R. Twisk, Applied biostatistics
- Prof. C.A. Uyl-de Groot, Health Technology Assessment, Efficiency Research
- Prof. S. van de Vathorst, Medical Ethics
- Dr Y.M.R. Vendrig-de Punder, Society and Health
- Dr R.P. Venekamp, Practitioner
- Prof. A.A.E. Verhagen, Paediatrics
- Em. Prof. Th.J.M. Verheij, Practitioner
- Prof. E.W.M.L. de Vet, Consumption and healthy lifestyle
- Prof. M. Visser, Nutrition and Health
- E. Vlaanderen, MSc, Youth health care
- Prof. F. de Vocht, Epidemiologist
- Prof. M.C. de Vries, Medical ethics
- Prof. C. Wagner, Patient Safety
- Prof. F.C.M. Wegman, Road Safety
- Prof. H. Wertheim, Clinical Microbiology
- Prof. A.P. van Wezel, Risk Assessment Chemicals