Embryonic stem cells without moral pain? [English translation of chapter 1 from: 'Signalering ethiek en gezondheid 2005' (2005/07)]

There has been considerable discussion of which types of stem cells are most suitable for this kind of research. ‘Pluripotent’ stem cells from human embryos seem to have the greatest potential for development (Odorico 2005). However, promising results have also been obtained in the meantime from ‘multipotent’ stem cells from tissues taken from adults (bone marrow, for example), aborted foetuses and umbilical cord blood (Henon 2003, Rogers 2004). Despite the favourable results obtained using ‘somatic’ or ‘adult’ stem cells of this kind, the broad scientific consensus is that research using human embryonic stem cells is essential. This was also the tenor of the Health Council's recommendation (Health Council 2002).