Risks of exposure to ionising radiation

Exposure to ionising radiation results in health risks. Much is known about this subject, especially with regards to the effects of short exposure to high doses. Research into the relationship between exposure to low doses and effects in the long term is far more difficult to conduct. Studies on this subject are still ongoing. One of the most important of these studies is the research done on survivors of the atomic blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This research continually produces new data, which leads to a better understanding of the long-term effects of exposure to low doses of radiation.
The Health Council of the Netherlands has published a number of advisory reports that include scientific analyses of the data on the risks of radiation as well as conclusions on the situation in the Netherlands. The most recent advisory report in this series was published in 1991. Many publications on this subject have appeared since then. The present advisory report therefore reflects the current level of knowledge.