Population Screening Act: research into calcium score and risk of cardiovascular disease
Based on the Population Screening Act (WBO), the research proposal of the Erasmus MC into the association between atherosclerosis and the risk of cardiovascular disease requires a permit. The Population Screening Committee of the Health Council of the Netherlands has advised the State Secratry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) to grant the permit under a number of conditions.
The Erasmus MC research proposal is part of the prospective cohort study called the Rotterdam study (ERGO). The committee finds the proposal scientificly sound. It considers that the scientific benefit of the study clearly outweighs the risks for the individual participants, provided that abnormalities are not actively sought for outside the scope of the research questions. Other conditions are that the coronary artery calcium score is communicated only on request and only as neutral information, and that the information folder and the consent form are revised.