Population Screening Act (WBO): pilot population screening for lung cancer
There is no population screening for lung cancer in the Netherlands. The Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam wants to conduct scientific research into the outcomes of annual or biennial screening if such population screening were to be introduced among heavy smokers. The Committee on Population Screening has examined whether the permit application complies with the requirements of the Population Screening Act. It finds that the proposed research is scientifically valid and that the risk-benefit ratio is acceptable. The committee advises the State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport to grant the permit, subject to a number of conditions. The information for participants and the consent procedure need to be modified. Findings other than lung cancer need to be avoided as much as possible. With the consent of the participants, the applicant may investigate the calcium score and lung ventilation, but without giving feedback of the results to the participant and the general practitioner (GP). No additional ionising radiation may be used for these secondary examinations.