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  1. Health risks due to low concentrations of carbon monoxide

    Inhaling carbon monoxide, for instance due to a malfunctioning central heating system in the home, may be harmful to health. That ...

    Advisory report | 10-07-2019

  2. Population-based screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)

    An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a dilatation in the main artery in the abdomen, which, if it bursts, often results in ...

    Advisory report | 09-07-2019

  3. Vaccination against HPV

    Not only girls, but also boys should be vaccinated against HPV. An infection with HPV can lead to several forms of cancer in ...

    Advisory report | 19-06-2019

  4. Good representation

    It’s important that healthcare providers discuss the matter of who should represent the patient (or who will do so in the event ...

    Advisory report | 21-05-2019

  5. Emission during coal gasification

    Coal gasification is a process in which lignite and black coal is turned into combustible gas under high temperatures and ...

    Advisory report | 20-05-2019

  6. Review of fitness-to-drive requirements relating to the use of medicines

    Some medicines affect people’s ability to drive. The fitness-to-drive requirements for people using medicines of this kind needed ...

    Advisory report | 15-05-2019

  7. Retaintion periods of implants

    Data on medical implants should be retained for a period of 115 years, calculated from the date of birth of the wearer. In this ...

    Advisory report | 14-05-2019

  8. Bisphenol A

    Bisphenol A (BPA) is a plasticizer, and is used amongst others in plastic bottles. Bisphenol A is classified as a reproduction ...

    Advisory report | 26-03-2019

  9. Cadmium and inorganic cadmium compounds

    Occupational exposure to cadmium can lead to adverse health effects. Inhalation of cadmium can lead to damage to kidneys and ...

    Advisory report | 20-03-2019

  10. Diesel engine exhaust

    Diesel engines are used for transport and power supply. The sooth particles in the exhaust of diesel engines can cause lung ...

    Advisory report | 13-03-2019