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  1. Options for improving population screening for cervical cancer

    Population screening for cervical cancer was renewed in 2017. Since then, smears have first been tested for the presence of human ...

    Advisory report | 19-10-2021

  2. Influenza vaccination: review of indications

    For most people, flu is not serious, but for the elderly and people with certain medical conditions, flu can lead to serious ...

    Advisory report | 20-09-2021

  3. Risks of ultrafine particles in the outside air

    Ultrafine particles in the air outdoors consist of a mixture of particles smaller than 0.1 micrometres that are released during ...

    Advisory report | 15-09-2021

  4. Responsible use of apps for public health

    Apps are increasingly being used for health purposes. If apps are to be used for public health purposes, for example in ...

    Advisory report | 07-07-2021

  5. Population Screening Act: a nationwide scientific study on the first-trimester anomaly scan – the IMITAS study

    Like the 20-week anomaly scan, a 13-week anomaly scan can detect serious abnormalities that are usually described as being ...

    Advisory report | 30-06-2021

  6. Vaccination against rotavirus

    Rotavirus is a pathogen that causes diarrhoea and vomiting. Young children are particularly susceptible to this intestinal ...

    Advisory report | 30-06-2021

  7. Dietary recommendations for pregnant women

    During pregnancy, eating a high-quality diet deserves extra attention. A varied diet is linked to the intake of wide array of ...

    Advisory report | 22-06-2021

  8. Offer letter of two advisory reports on nutrition for pregnant women

    Letter | 22-06-2021

  9. Dietary reference values for vitamins and minerals for pregnant women

    The Health Council of the Netherlands has used the reference values set by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in its ...

    Advisory report | 22-06-2021

  10. Population Screening Act (WBO): pilot population screening for lung cancer

    There is no population screening for lung cancer in the Netherlands. The Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam wants to conduct ...

    Advisory report | 09-06-2021