Scientific quality

The authority of the Health Council of the Netherlands is based on the scientific quality of its advisory reports. The Health Council takes different measures to ensure that this authority remains indisputable.

Multidisciplinary committees

For each advisory report it issues, the Health Council strives to gather the best national experts, preferably from the country’s various university medical centres and universities. Committee members represent all fields that are relevant to the subject at hand, ensuring a broad and balanced assessment of the state of science. Furthermore, this multidisciplinary approach allows for the inclusion of expertise that might not receive extensive attention in scientific literature, such as practical knowledge or patient experiences. The experts in the committees provide their input without hindrance or consultation: they do not act on behalf of factions or institutions. A professional secretariat supports the committee.

Review in the Standing committee

Each advisory report is reviewed by the Standing committee.

International cooperation

International scientific exchange serves as an additional benchmark for presenting the most up-to-date knowledge, especially in areas where little expertise is available. It promotes quality and independence. For this reason, the Health Council cooperates with a number of international organisations.

Periodic evaluation and quality policy

Through continuous quality and evaluation processes, the Health Council is always working to improve in order to keep up with the rapid developments in science and society’s evolving demands relating to prevention and care. In 2008, an international committee assessed the Health Council’s working methods and procedures and reached a positive conclusion.