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Vaccinate all newborns against rotavirus
Vaccinate all newborn children against rotavirus, rather than at-risk children alone, recommends the Health Council in a recent ...
Revised dietary reference values for pregnant women
The Health Council of the Netherlands has revised the dietary reference values for vitamins and minerals for pregnant women. ...
Dietary recommendations for pregnant women
Eating a healthy and varied diet is also important during pregnancy. The Health Council of the Netherlands emphasizes the ...
Permit for a pilot population screening study for lung cancer
The Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam wants to carry out a pilot population screening study for lung cancer. The Health Council ...
Assessments for the Special Medical Procedures Act remain made-to-measure decisions
Deciding whether or not to impose or remove a requirement for a permit for a special medical procedure always needs to be ...
Use the Janssen vaccine in older adults as well
The Health Council of the Netherlands recommends that the most vulnerable groups should be the first to receive the vaccine ...
Insufficient evidence that additional vitamin D helps prevent COVID-19
Based on the current state of scientific knowledge, it is not possible to assess whether vitamin D supplements can contribute to ...
No higher dietary reference value for protein for older adults
According to the Health Council, there is insufficient convincing evidence to establish a higher population reference intake for ...
No permit for study of genetic home testing
Hogeschool Leiden would like to carry out a sample population screening to look at the quality of genetic home testing kits. The ...
Use the AstraZeneca vaccine in 60 to 64-year-olds (inclusive)
The Health Council recommends that the first available doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine be used in older adults aged 60 to 64 ...