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  1. Testing blood donations for hepatitis E virus

    Annually, about 133.000 Dutch residents contract a hepatitis E virus infection. Pork consumption is the main source of infection, ...

    Advisory report | 31-07-2018

  2. Population Screening Act: study into hepatic steatosis and liver fibrosis in The Maastricht Study

    The Maastricht is an ongoing observational, population-based cohort study that focuses on type diabetes mellitus, cardio-vascular ...

    Advisory report | 31-07-2018

  3. Population Screening Act: a stop-smoking strategy as part of the national cervical cancer screening programme

    The department of General Practice of the Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam intends to examine the effect of a smoking ...

    Advisory report | 25-07-2018

  4. Fitness to drive in driving license group 2 in case of vision in only one eye

    According to the European directive truck and bus drivers who have lost sight in one eye are not allowed to drive professionally ...

    Advisory report | 03-07-2018

  5. Phenytoin

    The Health Council of the Netherlands reviewed the drug phenytoin. Phenytoin is a synthetic anticonvulsant, which can be used in ...

    Advisory report | 27-06-2018

  6. Health and working longer

    The likelihood of health problems increases with age. Working longer may then be difficult. Measures like exercising at work or ...

    Advisory report | 26-06-2018

  7. Self-reliance of the elderly

    More research is needed to determine which interventions are effective to keep the elderly self-reliant. Especially in the social ...

    Advisory report | 13-06-2018

  8. Population Screening Act: study of online lifestyle advice for reducing the risk of dementia

    The University Medical Centre in Groningen (UMCG) would like to investigate strategies for offering online lifestyle advice that ...

    Advisory report | 12-06-2018

  9. The parent-child relationship and adverse childhood experiences

    A good parent-child relationship is important for child development. Interventions can improve parental sensitivity and increase ...

    Advisory report | 22-05-2018

  10. Hazardous substances in a circular economy

    In an ideal circular economy all materials and products are reused and production of waste is  zero. More recycling will take ...

    Advisory report | 15-05-2018