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  1. Population Screening Act: The second round of The Maastricht Study

    Maastricht UMC+ has applied for a permit to carry out follow-up measurements among participants of The Maastricht Study. The ...

    News item | 01-07-2020 | 10:00

  2. Reduce the use of plant protection products as a precaution

    Exposure to chemical plant protection products must be reduced as much as possible, both among growers and those living in the ...

    News item | 29-06-2020 | 10:00

  3. Health-based occupational exposure limit for hydrogenated terphenyl

    Occupational exposure to hydrogenated terphenyl may damage employees’ health. According to the Health Council, this damage is ...

    News item | 15-06-2020 | 10:00

  4. All-trans retinoic acid may damage the unborn child

    People occupationally exposed to all-trans retinoic acid can subsequently suffer from adverse health effects. Pregnant women ...

    News item | 10-06-2020 | 10:00

  5. Care for body and care for mind need integration

    A growing group of patients suffers from a combination of physical and mental disorders. The strict compartmentalisation of ...

    News item | 27-05-2020 | 10:00

  6. Assessing alternatives for burial and cremation

    Alternative techniques for burial and cremation may be admitted when they are safe, dignified and sustainable. Alkaline ...

    News item | 25-05-2020 | 10:00

  7. Sustainability is part of advice on nutrition

    In its periodic advice on healthy nutrition, the Health Council of the Netherlands will pay more attention to sustainability and ...

    News item | 20-05-2020 | 10:10

  8. Priority for people over 70 in pneumococcus vaccination

    For the vaccination programme against pneumococci that will be starting this autumn the Health Council recommends prioritising ...

    News item | 20-04-2020 | 11:30

  9. Iron and steel founding emissions carcinogenic

    The Emissions which are formed during iron and steel founding may cause cancer. This is a risk for people who work in places ...

    News item | 18-02-2020 | 10:00

  10. No permit is required for hepatitis screening GGD

    Under the Population Screening Act a permit is not required for screening the first-generation non-Western migrants for hepatitis ...

    News item | 27-01-2020 | 10:00